Monday, 25 June 2018

Things to Do During School Summer Holidays in London

Your kids will soon be home for the summer holidays and you are wondering what they can do in London that's fun and that will keep them busy. There are plenty of activities and events for the summer holidays in London this year and you can be sure that whatever you choose will be great fun for your children. Here's a glimpse:

•    The Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London is a great place to start. Your children will get to step into the magic world of Harry Potter where there are many special events and where they can also buy lots of collector's items.

•    Have your kids ever been to Buckingham Palace? If they haven't this summer is their chance. The Palace will be open to the public between July and October and there is lots for kids to see and do. Teenagers who are interested in history will find this particular outing lots of fun. They will see lots of art including paintings by Rembrandt and Poussin, sculpture by artists like Canova and Chantrey, tyhey will see fine porcelain and furniture and they can also visit the State Rooms. It is best to book tickets to the Buckingham Palace in advance as the demand for them is huge.

•    Do your kids love nature? Why not give them a special treat by buying them tickets to the Natural History Museum's Sensational Butterflies tropical house? Between April and September the museum hosts special events where they release hundreds of butterflies while the public walks around. Your kids will learn about the life cycle of butterflies, how and where they feed and they will also be able to see their magnificent wings using magnifying glasses.

This is not all; there are plenty of other great events for children on holiday in London so keep your eyes open!